Friday, April 27, 2012

Princess and I: Episode 09

Like the scenes before, Jao declines letting Mikay go with him to the marketplace. But due to incessant pleading, he gives in. She tells him 'salamat' and with his linguistic aptitude he says he knows what it means and tells her to go inside the vehicle. Once they reach the market place, Mikay says, for the nth time, her thanks. She also introduces herself as a courtesy which Jao brushes off with his eyebrows clashing each other (the cold demeanor doesn't work for him).

Jao goes to the vendors and ask for ten kilos of whatnot (I'm not sure if it's taro or taho or what) to be delivered to the department of tourism. The vendor POLITELY tells him that she can't deliver the ten kilos because the vehicle that will be delivering it is not in good shape. The oh-so-good-natured Jao tells the vendor to deliver it herself to which the vendor says it isn't her work anymore. He then goes to the person in charge of the delivery and shouts at him saying, "that's your job! not my job, okay!". It's as if shouting can fix the car or deliver the goods needed.

Since Mikay didn't see her tour bus in the market, she asks to have a ride with Jao again since they still have the same itinerary. He unwillingly abides. She tries, then, to help by carrying the goods to the vehicle. Seeing from Jao’s face, he seems impressed. Jao’s mother, meanwhile learns that unlike Rio, Jao was assigned to be the festival coordinator. She apparently didn’t know.

In a miraculously much lighter mood, Jao helps in unloading the goods needed by the Tourism Department. An officer thanks him for bringing the goods all the way to the department and says he learned just recently that work will be finished faster if people will commit even if they are not obligated.

Gino, the sleepyhead, is called by his mother to remind him that they have to enroll him to the school today. This is our first glimpse of the grown up Gino. He acts a bit stiff and mechanical but I'm hoping he'll grow out of it since he's supposed to be the fluid, womanizer type of guy. Anyway, he comes to the school and everybody exaggeratingly says hi and then swoons at him. He then spots Bianca, slightly takes his glasses down and looks at her. I swear this doesn’t happen in real life but since this is Philippine drama, let’s just swallow things.

Jao and Mikay part ways and she comes to this beautiful place where I think people offer their prayers. After some wandering she end up at, I presume, Behati's place. Mikay accidentally steps on Behati’s foot while she backs away from the place. She really is Jao's mother, methinks their hobby is shouting. She shouts at Mikay to step aside and truts her way to the building with her head bobbing up and down. I don't get how this is supposed to be regal, though.

By virtue of classic Filipino drama, Bianca and Gino literally bump into each other. He then leads her to what seems like a canteen and an adolescent guy who dresses like Gino (HAHA) brings food over to them. Ashi talks to Jao and tells him that the work assigned to him is so petty. Demoralized, Jao goes inside the vehicle only to see Mikay waiting for him. Mikay senses that he's sad so she tells him that she's happy about coming to Yangdon. She also tries to give him food. He pops right then and there and shouts, "You know what, you eat it! Instead of talking and talking and talking, you eat it! You're so talkative you know?” How many times did that hothead shout? Really.

Mikay arrives at her last destination but was still unable to find her tour group. She sees good scenery near a mountain cliff and takes a picture of it. Jao, upon seeing her, comes a bit near. When she sees him looking over, he calls his assistant and commands him something unintelligible. Mikay continues to take a picture of herself with the background and almost fell over. Jao jerks and they both smile afterwards.

By wellflower with No comments


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