Thursday, April 19, 2012

Princess and I: Episode 03

Picking up where we left off, the King arrives just in time to hear Behati's suggestion to the council.

"If you weren't trying to dethrone me, what were you suggesting?" the King says. Behati, of course, denies.

Dino tries to woo his wife into adopting the child. She ponders if she could ever love that child, to which Dino replies with "if you could love someone like me, you'd learn to love her too." After they've gone to sleep, Stella wakes up to the baby's crying. She finally agrees to adopt Areeyah. Hurray, I guess.

Meanwhile, the King is also awoken from his slumber. He calls for Princess Areeyah and stares outside his bedroom window.

As for Esme, she finally retrieves her things along with a letter from Madam Yin. The latter reiterates that she does not want to hear from Esme ever again. Shaken by guilt, Esme is comforted by her mother, telling her that Madam Yin obviously does not care about the child and that she shouldn't worry about it either.

In Madam Yin's end, culprit guy (the man who was hired to kill the Queen and the Princess) seeks Madam Yin out of guilt. He tells her that he dreams of the Princess frequently. Yin dismisses him by telling him that she had gotten rid of her (but not rid as in killed).

In the palace, a Drukpah member reminds the King of his responsibilities as well as the talk among the commonfolk. He also wonders about the next of kin - who will inherit when the King has no other child? The King replies that his daughter, the Princess, will come back. However, he worries that he might not last long before the princess comes back.

A flying kite soars high, signaling the time lapse to a kid-version of Areeyah selling ice candy. She encounters a few kids playing roulette and challenges her luck. She wins a dyed baby chick. On her way home, she frees a kite stuck on some wires on a wall. Her stepmother calls her Mikay (her new Filipino name, which we'll use from now on). As she was too busy untangling the kite, the roulette kids from earlier steal some of her ice candy.

Back to the Drukpah, the member convenes regarding possible choices for the King's new wife. They recall how the King has never approved of any of the council's choices, particularly those of Yangdon kin. Although they try to understand King Anand's love for Queen Isabel, they argue that his responsibility to the kingdom is first, and that he should pick an heir to the throne immediately. Ashi Behati overhears and leaves with an evil scheming smirk. Poor King, people won't even cut him some slack.

In the Maghirang household (Mikay's family), Stella scolds Mikay for losing earnings and playing too much. Oh and also, stepmom hates colored poultry; she tells Mikay to get rid of it. Older stepsister Bianca butts in telling her she deserve every bit of it, that she's ugly, then walks away and irks at the "disgusting" chick. If I didn't know better, too much chick exposure probably means they're gonna kill it or something later.

Anyway, Behati checks on her only son, Jao, and tells him to get ready for the King's birthday. Today, get the King to like the little boy. Tomorrow, get the King to sit the little boy on the throne.

Back to the Filipino household, Stella rehearses Bianca for a pageant. Dad had just come back from work and he's bought them goodies. Old stepsister Bianca shares it with their youngest, Dindi and leaves Mikay none. The latter tells her father that she's okay, they like it better anyway. Um, okay.

As for the King's birthday "celebration", Behati tries to lift everyone's spirits up (but not really, she just wants to squeeze in her son's performance) by calling her son in front. Sadly, the boy fails to finish his flute piece which disappoints Behati immensely. Something tells me the kid's getting more than the evil glare. And he does, because Behati scolds him not long after. Aww, cut the kid some slack.

The Maghirangs (Mikay's family if you haven't been keeping up with their identifiers) plan for a family trip over dinner, but Bianca wants to leave Mikay out because of the incident earlier. Am I the only one wondering why her brattiness is tolerated in their household?

Apparently not! After dinner, Mikay overhears her parents' argument: Stepmom thinks that Dad favors Mikay too much, and that they should definitely get rid of the baby chick. Dad defends Mikay all the way. Awesome, possum. Go Dad!

Long after the King's birthday celeb has ended, Little Jao makes a little speech and fakes perform for himself in the courtyard. The King witnesses this and claps in admiration.

Mikay finally decides to free her pink chick, warning it to be careful of cats and stuff. Dad finds her and invites her to their little family excursion. Mikay replies that she couldn't because she still has ice candies to sell. Dad tells her that she doesn't have to sell them anyway, to which she answers with something like, "but I can't do anything else, I can't join pageants unlike Bianca because I'm ugly." Of course Dad is quick to disagree and tells her she's quite cute. Mikay thanks him for taking her into the family and not throwing her away. Dad replies, "Why would I? We're family. We'll always be." Awww. As he carries her inside she looks back - she smiles gladly at the sight of someone "adopting" the baby chick she just freed. Oh, okay. I really thought they were going to run over it or something, lol.

By neonkim with No comments


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